Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Athlete's Foot-16 Strategies to Beat Athlete's Foot-[Part-2]

Athlete's Foot-16 Strategies to Beat Athlete's Foot-[Part-2]


Soak them in Betadine.

If the infection has caused redness and cracks

between the toes, the fungal infection may be

compounded by a bacterial infection. Robertson

suggests soaking your feet once a day for 20 minutes

in two capfuls of Betadine (available over-the-counter

at pharmacies) to one quart of warm water. After the

Betadine soak, dry your feet well, and apply

antifungal medication.

Don't bleach.

While the idea is to dry out the infection, avoid home

remedies that involve strong chemicals and solvents,

such as bleach, alcohol, and floor cleaners. "Many

people are tempted to use what's at hand to treat their

problem," says Shaw. "But harsh chemicals won't

necessarily kill the fungus, and they can really

damage your skin."

Tan your tootsies.

Ultraviolet light can help dry up the infection and kill

active fungus on your skin. Kick off those shoes and

let the sun shine on your feet for a little while. Avoid

extensive sun exposure, however, since it can

promote wrinkling and skin cancer. Be careful not to

burn the tops of your feet, or your dogs will really

have something to bark about.

Treat your shoes.

If you have fungus on your feet, you've got fungus in

your shoes. To keep from reinfecting yourself every

time you put your shoes on, Schink recommends

treating your shoes with Lysol spray or an antifungal

spray or powder every time you take off your shoes.

Air 'em out.

On sunny days, Schink advises taking the laces out of

your shoes, pulling up their tongues, and setting them

in a sunny, well-ventilated place. The heat and

sunshine will help dry out the shoes, eliminate odors,

and kill the fungus.

Alternate shoes.

Switch shoes at least every other day, advises Schink.

Wear one pair for a day, while you treat the other pair

with sunlight and an antifungal spray or powder.

Choose shoes with care.

When you have to wear shoes, opt for sandals or

other opened-toed shoes, if possible. "Choose shoes

that don't make your feet sweat," says Robertson.

Avoid shoes made of plastic or rubber or shoes that

are watertight. These shoes trap perspiration and

create the warm, moist conditions perfect for growing

a new crop of fungus. When you must wear closedtoed

shoes, opt for natural, "breathable" materials like


Exercise your sock options.

Socks made of natural fibers, such as cotton and wool,

help to absorb perspiration and keep the feet dry.

However, recent research suggests that acrylic socks

may do an even better job of keeping the feet dry by

wicking moisture away from the feet. So what kind of

sock should you choose? Try a pair of natural-fiber

socks and a pair of acrylic, and see which one keeps

your feet drier and more comfortable. If your feet

naturally sweat a lot or if you're participating in

activities like sports that make your feet sweat more

than usual, change your socks two or three times a


Wear thongs.

When you're in a public place likely to harbor

athlete's foot fungus, like the locker room of your

favorite gym, wear thongs to limit your exposure to

fungus, says Shaw. Although this technique isn't

foolproof, it will decrease your risk of athlete's foot,

and it may prevent you from picking up other nasty

foot maladies, such as plantar warts.


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